At some point over the last few years, taking photos of your food before you eat it has become a firmly established step in social-eating rituals. In fact, restaurants around the world are starting to alter their plating methods and dish presentation purely so that they look good on Instagram.

Nowhere is this food-photo-mania more rife than in Korea. But what are some of the best feeds for browsing yummy Korean food? Which accounts offer the best information on top-quality eateries in Seoul? We’ve hunted down some of the top Korean-food-themed feeds, guaranteed to keep you hungry.

  1. Seoulfoodie

The Canadian-born- author of describes her mission as to “Discover the tastiest foods in Seoul (and around the world) while wearing comfortable luon.” Her Instagram is packed full of shots of yummy food from eateries in and around Seoul, as well as pictures from things she’s eaten on her global travels. Photo captions include the names and locations of featured restaurants, so if you like what you see, you can go check it out yourself!

  1. jmom_table

Jmom_table combines the aesthetics of an ultra-contemporary, fashion blogger with the taste buds (and cooking skills) of a Korean Mom. The results are both stunning AND mouth-watering. Jmom_table describes herself as a ‘working Mom’ who ‘likes to talk with others interested in cooking’. Her well-curated feed is the perfect daily dose of modern-inspired Korean cuisine.

  1. food_korea

Food_Korea is arguably the most comprehensive resource for Korean-food-loving Instagrammers. Food_Korea share a huge variety of pictures of Korean food sourced from all over Instagram, giving information on restaurant pricing, locations, and opening times. Their feed is a colorful array of all different kinds of Korean snacks, meals, desserts and beverages, guaranteed to get your tummy rumbling.

4. maangchi

Maangchi is NY-based blog offering a wealth of information on cooking – and eating – Korean food. The blog’s Instagram is also great resource for anyone wanting to try their hand at making Korean dishes at home. For those of us less confident in the kitchen, looking at their candid shots of Korean cooking and restaurant culture is more than enough to give us a visual Korean-food fix!

5. fatgirlsfoodguide

Although more of a global-food-feed than a Korean-food one, the A Fat Girl’s Food Guide is a must-follow for any food-lover on the peninsula. Blog owner, Gemma, offers great restaurant reviews and simple recipes using ingredients easily found here in Korea. Her Instagram is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to find a great place to eat in the city, or stay home and try out a new recipe.

  1. gastrotour_seoul

Last but not least! Gastro Tour Seoul’s very own, recently-launched Instagram offers snapshots of the Korean foods and alcohols available on our tours, as well as daily updates introducing both well-known, and lesser-known traditional Korean dishes. Follow us to stay up-to-date on GTS news, tour insights, and images of historical Korean cuisine.

What other Korean-food Instagrams do you recommend?